Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sketching and Stretching

I've been feeling so stuck.

Yesterday, my daughter's Taekwondo instructor informed me that there would be an exercise group for interested parents. Mainly because we usually just sit there for an hour, waiting on our kids. How about instead, and opportunity to get up and moving yourself for an hour?

I thought this was brilliant! However, I don't really move right. I look okay at a passing glance, but arthritis and AS really limit the way I'm moving currently. So I went to her office and showed her.

"See, this is my arm, which is temporarily stuck, so I can't do anything like push ups. I do tai chi and yoga at home, and want to take part, but you have to know, I'm going to look ridiculous. My hips are also stuck. I don't move right."

Turns out several parents have approached with interest, but are shy, as we're all out of shape. So maybe my broken self can inspire someone else to get up and moving. It will certainly help me get my arm back quicker, and I could stand to lose 60 a few pounds. I'm over looking silly. I know I'll look silly. But if I don't start really fighting this arthritis now, it's going to win. I'm only 44. I can still move. I have to move!!!

As well, I haven't drawn in forever. So I need to get my 'hand' back. I've decided to pick up my pencils and pastels again. I know they're in the craft cubbies somewhere. Perhaps in a few short weeks I will have made some progress in exercising both my health and my art? I've already adjusted my pantry and eating schedule for  six week body makeover meals... Now it's just ready, set, live!

Wish me luck!

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