Sunday, May 27, 2012

Progress Reports

Well, I've stuck to my diet but haven't weighed myself. I don't see any real changes, so I'm not expecting any great loss. Or any loss for that matter. Just tired of getting invested and then disappointed. So, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to and expecting nothing. Any loss will be a pleasant surprise. A gain would probably send me to Dunkin' Donuts.

The exercise class at TKD hasn't started either. Maybe in July?

And I may get to go back to work! Woo! I could use a paycheck, and I miss my friends.

I have done a few fabric designs, but as Spoonflower still has the color profile on hold, I am reluctant to proof anything. So, I may wait to post any new designs until I can get them in my hot little hands and do something with them. We shall see.

So, in all this downtime I've had, I started this. Cathedral Stars by Bonnie Hunter. I have a ton of scrap fabric, but haven't quilted in over 20 years. The beauty of this one? It looks complicated, by when you look at blocks, it's really not. The diagonal piecing also adds to the movement in this quilt and makes it look so very involved. I adore it. I have scrap enough, more than I need, but in looking all of mine is jewel toned, and none black. So tomorrow I'll be visiting the Goodwill to find old pillowcases and shirts in lighter tones, and something dark for the black areas. I have excite!!!! Woo!!!

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